The Architectural Urban Interior Design – AUID – Ph.D. Program promotes studies on architecture mostly on these aspects: design, theory, history, technology.
The methodological frame is the design-driven research.
We consider design the cultural environment where to produce theoretical and technical knowledge.

Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

Politecnico di Milano

Campus Leonardo
via Bonardi 3
20133, Milan, Italy




Sustainable vernacular architecture, a resource from the past. The case of Qatar, in a hot dry region, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Deema Alattar

Supervisor: Valentina M. Dessì


The Archive as space-medium: architecture between permanence and oblivion, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Filippo Lorenzo Balma

Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca


Architecture, landscape, and territories in the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Riccardo M. Balzarotti

Supervisor: Prof. Luca M. F. Fabris


Opacity: a reflection on spaces in architecture, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Federico Casati

Supervisors: Carles Muro, Fabrizia Berlingieri


Living a mirage. the existenz-maximum of Italian interiors, 1968-1990, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Isabella Giola

Supervisor: Immacolata C. Forino


Threshold. Milanese Relativity, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Guan Kaiyue

Supervisor: Carles Muro


Neo-rural architecture: integrating land renaturation through circular economy processes, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Francesco Gugliotta

Supervisor: Alessio Battistella


Displaying broader narratives in architectural exhibitions, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Alessandro Pasero

Supervisors: Alessandro Rocca, Nina Bassoli


Exposing domesticities. Experimentation and dissemination of new dwelling paradigms, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Miriam Pistocchi

Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca


The redesign of social housing suburbs in Italy: targeted actions on built heritage, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Marco Patruno

Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Spinelli


Strategies and projects for the rural architectural heritage. The “casa a torre” in the Reggio Apennines, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Erika Sezzi

Supervisors: Pierre Alain Croset, Emilia Corradi


The design of students’ learning spaces in academic architecture, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Shilu Huang

Supervisor: Maria Fianchini


Karachi’s public space. Design enhancement of the leftover spaces as a tool to curtail the impact of social polarization, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Babar Khan

Supervisor: Cassandra Cozza


Informal practices as a drive: Exploring the potential of social infrastructure in urban renewal, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Li Dongni

Supervisor: Jacopo Leveratto


Community-based architecture for the elderly: Towards the integration of healthcare spaces with nature, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Lin Zhihang

Supervisor: Stamatina Kousidi


A comparative study on spatial adaptive design of large-scale sports infrastructure in China and Europe, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Liu Siyu

Supervisor: Filippo Orsini


Social housing projects between process and architectural design, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Giuliana Miglierina

Supervisor: Camillo Magni


From space to time. Air mobility for current evolving infrastructural urban forms, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Francesca Monteleone

Supervisors: Fabrizia Berlingieri, Guseppe Quaranta


Architectural heritage reuse: a comparative study of spatial design methods for commercial buildings in Italy and China, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Qi Yangyi

Supervisor: Ferdinando Zanzottera


Abandoned buildings and compounds of public real estate in Italy, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Maria Scandroglio Anelli

Supervisor: Ilaria Valente


Enabling houses: reflecting perceptions and needs of older adults in the architecture project, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Joana Teixeira Pinho

Supervisors: António Carvalho, Gennaro Postiglione


Countryside, the naked land. A new urban-rural linkage in responding metropolitan dynamics, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Yang Dicheng

Supervisor: Antonella Contin


Reuse, repurpose, and recycle materials with upcycling architecture, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Zhang Wen Quan

Josep Maria Garcia-Fuentes, Alberto Bologna


Essence-form-architecture: critical research on the work of Yang Tingbao, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Zhong Yue

Supervisor: Maurizio Meriggi


Community gardens: assessment and strategies to improve microclimate and usability in different urban contexts, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Zhu Lixuan

Supervisor: Valentina M. Dessì


Components-driven design in the architectural upcycling, 2023 – ongoing

Candidate: Zhu Zhengwen

Supervisor: Josep Maria Garcia-Fuentes



Co-design: theories and practices for transformation, mitigation, and resilience, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Francesco Airoldi
Supervisor: Emilia Corradi

Temporary Architecture in Qatar. The stimulus, practice, and performance, 2023 – ongoing
Candidate: Alma Ahmad Al Malki
Supervisors: Jacopo Leveratto, Mohd. Faris (Qatar University)

Theories and projects for the regeneration of rural architecture in mountain areas, 2023 – ongoing
Candidate: Giulia Azzini
Supervisor: Emilia Corradi

Energy ecosystems. Design, construction, and operations of landscapes-integrated agri-voltaic plants, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Sara Barani
Supervisors: Sara Protasoni, Morris Brenna (Polimi – DENG), Stefano Amaducci (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Rewriting Railway Infrastructure. From the caesura to the dialogue: an opportunity of environmental, urban and architectural regeneration, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Beatrice Basile
Supervisors: Michele Ugolini

Windowless Architecture: Towards Expanded Interiority and Exteriority, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Đorđe Bulajić
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca

Ecological fragments: expressing landscapes of transition, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Thomas Cabai
Supervisors: Matteo Poli, Chiara Geroldi

Hybrid Learning Spaces. Open Schools and Educational Architecture, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Raffaella Cavallaro
Supervisor: Barbara Coppetti

Age-appropriate architectural design in the COVID-19 era, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Tian Qin Chen
Supervisor: Antonio da Silva de Carvalho

The challenge of Sustainable Mobility. Rethinking Milan Ring Road System for the Ecological Transition, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Nicolò Chierichetti
Supervisor: Laura Montedoro

Small-Scale Architecture. Recycling abandoned buildings for the ecological transition of minor centers, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Silvia Di Mauro
Supervisor: Marco Bovati

Italian Yards of Tbilisi. Forms of Resistance, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Duccio Fantoni
Supervisor: Fabrizia Berlingieri

The Ecology of Logistics Platforms. Future Scenarios for the Architecture of Logistics in Emilia-Romagna, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Andrea Foppiani
Supervisor: Sara Protasoni

The Last Lifetime Period of Buildings: Installation Art in Extending of Lives of Abandoned Buildings as Memorials or Monuments, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Yiling Fu
Supervisor: Marco Borsotti

Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings through HUL approach, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Xiao Hu
Supervisor: Pierre Alain Croset

Eco-digital design in Architecture. Environmental design protocols for energy and water self-sufficient affordable housing, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Maddalena Laddaga
Supervisor: Pierre Alain Croset

Sinking Landscapes. Living with Water in the Age of Climate-Crisis, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Davide Montanari
Supervisor: Sara Protasoni

Artificial Paradises: Leisure as an Architectural Question, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Margherita Marri
Supervisor: Imma Forino

Building Paranoia: Rendering Trauma-Wares, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Valentina Noce
Supervisors: Matteo Poli, Andrea Gritti

Pioneering infrastructure. Architectural strategies for vertiport design in Italy, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Ottavio Pedretti
Supervisor: Giulia Setti

Biodiverse Public Spaces as a Common Resource: Spatial and Social Potential of Site-specific Interventions of Naturalization, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Michele Porcelluzzi
Supervisor: Jacopo Leveratto

Contemporary Representation of Traditional Rural Architecture in Hebei Mountain Areas, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Rui Ren
Supervisor: Ilaria Valente

Transgressing Boundaries: The Urban Space Appropriated by Domestic Practice, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Yuwei Ren
Supervisor: Jacopo Leveratto

Architecture project for the regeneration of river areas: Lura River as an opportunity for experimental relationships between humans and environment, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Andrea Renucci
Supervisor: Michele Ugolini

Design strategies for the revitalization of the Rural: Contemporary Transformation of Spatial forms of Traditional Settlements, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Likun Shen
Supervisor: Ilaria Valente

Mobility Platform: Conception and Perception in Urban Architecture, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Hao Wang
Supervisor: Pierre Alain Croset
Tutor: Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi

Study on the overall cooling benefit of urban ventilation corridors, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Zheng Wu
Supervisors: Matteo Poli, Eugenio Morello

Architecture Communities online. Participatory Design and Collaborative Processes, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Qianqian Yang
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca

Yingjin Driven Architectural Design. Interpretation, Re-elaboration, and Re-production of the Ancient Chinese Craftsmen’s Book, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Junliang Zhou
Supervisor: Luigi Cocchiarella

Sustainable and memorial urban green space design method in the post-pandemic era, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Yuhan Zhou
Supervisor: Sara Protasoni


Architects’ Trip in Represented Places, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Fuat Arabaci
Supervisor: Giovanni Corbellini
Tutor: Jacopo Leveratto

Engines of Sustainable Development: Architectures for Highway Service Areas, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Beatrice Azzola
Supervisor: Andrea Gritti
Tutor: Elena Fontanella

Cage and Vat City, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Nicola Campri
Supervisors: Pierluigi Salvadeo, Sergio Pignari
Tutor: Jacopo Leveratto

Design tools for Underground Quarries. An architectural inventory of extractive landscapes, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Chiara Caravello
Supervisors: Andrea Gritti, Rita Occhiuto (ULG), Martina Barcelloni Corte (ULG)
Tutor: Andrea Oldani

Resilience of rural/vernacular inhabiting in urban friction areas in the cities of Global South, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Michela Caserini
Supervisor: Camillo Magni
Tutor: Chiara Geroldi

Research on Public Art and Urban Micro-Renewal in Yulin, ChengDu, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Ai Cheng
Supervisor: Filippo Orsini
Tutor: Cassandra Cozza

Productive environment. The re-definition of spaces for production in the contemporary context, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Jiarui Cui
Supervisor: Pierluigi Salvadeo
Tutors: Michela Bassanelli, Fabio Lepratto

Revitalization of the Lost: Exploring the Potential of Urban Voids in Tripoli’s Medina, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Majdulin Elmansuri
Supervisor: Silvia Bodei
Tutor: Giulia Setti

The Role of Social Lighting and Art Light on Urban Spaces, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Aya Glida
Supervisor: Stamatina Kousidi
Tutor: Michela Bassanelli

Affective Architecture. Synesthetic Representation through Architectural Drawing, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Jin Lin
Supervisor: Marco Bovati
Tutor: Jacopo Leveratto

Research on the Spatial Adaptability of Traditional Miao Villages in Guizhou Based on Three-Dimensional Quantification, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Yidan Liu
Supervisor: Marco Bovati

Feeding Cities. Design guidelines for the introduction and development of vertical farming in urban systems, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Filippo Oppimitti 
Supervisor: Filippo Orsini 

Designing hospitality in Healthcare Centers Architecture, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Francesca Ripamonti
Supervisor: Michele Ugolini

Minor Architecture on the Apennines. Methodological projects for a regeneration strategy. The case study of Valle Roveto, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Stefano Sartorio
Supervisor: Emilia Corradi
Tutor: Cassandra Cozza

Designing Her Space. Elements Forms and Processes of Inhabiting. Feminist Approaches for the Design of Collective Living at a Neighborhood Scale in the Italian Context, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Arianna Scaioli
Supervisors: Ilaria Valente, Emilia Corradi

Beyond Arrival. The Architecture of Europe’s Refugee Reception, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Yona Schreyer
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca
Tutor: Giulia Setti

Preservation of colonial architecture in post-colonial port cities in China, 2022 – ongoing
Candidate: Jiajia Wei
Supervisor: Filippo Orsini
Tutor: Cassandra Cozza


Pierre Jeanneret’s technical eye: Images, projects, and topics into the technical and poetic thought of his work 1920-1967, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Oljer Cardenas Nino
Supervisors: Orsina Simona Pierini, Carmen Espegel (ETSAM)

An Alternative Urban Form of Park City, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Hailong Chai
Supervisor: Maurizio Meriggi

Architectural Design Strategies for the Preservation of Qiang Historical Villages in China: A Research Approach based on Digital Methodologies, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Hu Dan
Supervisor: Luigi Cocchiarella
Tutor: Jacopo Leveratto

Narrative as a design tool in the marginal landscape, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Marianna Frangipane
Supervisor: Andrea Di Franco

Spatial Practices for Empowerment, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Francesca Gotti
Supervisors: Francesco Careri (Università di Roma Tre), Francesca Lanz (Northumbria University)

The Paradigm of Interior Public Space, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Sarah Javed Shah
Supervisor: Carles Muro Soler
Tutor: Giulia Setti

Open Spaces Architecture. For a New Urban Hydrogeography: Tackling the Water Issues in High-Density Environments, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Li Jiaxi
Supervisor: Andrea Oldani

The Housing Issue in the Global South. A methodological framework to define innovative housing solutions and strategies in informal urban settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Alessia Macchiavello
Supervisors: Laura Montedoro, Nelson Mota (TU Delft)

Digitalization evolution in housing design, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Elena Maj
Supervisors: Alessandro Rocca, Pascal Terracol (Université de Paris Val de Seine)

Healing Homes. Investigating Housing Design for Wellbeing, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Rose-Ann Mishio
Supervisor: António Carvalho

Mutations of the Domestic Space in Plan. From the Arts & Crafts to Nowadays, for a Post-Pandemic Future, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Carla Rizzo
Supervisor: Marco Biraghi
Tutor: Francesca Lanz

Grounds and Roofs as a Project. Morphology and technic as an architectural reflection on climate risks
2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Kevin Santus

Supervisors: Ilaria Valente, Monica Lavagna

Precision Wildland. Designing Third Landscape within the Smart City, a Focus on Railyard Marginalia, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Sara Anna Sapone
Supervisors: Sara Protasoni, Emilia Corradi, Michela Longo, Saskia de Wit (TU Delft)

Holistic Design in Chinese Countryside: a Case in Jiulong River Delta2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Li Xiang
Supervisor: Maurizio Meriggi
Tutor: Giulia Setti

Epiphany in Vernacular. Adaptive Construction in Dong Vernacular Architecture, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Liu Xiaoyun
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca
Tutor: Stamatina Kousidi

Toward a Contemporary Architectural Identity in China, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Lu Zhaozhan
Supervisor: Marco Bovati
Tutor: Cassandra Cozza

Architecture for a Therapeutic Approach. Establishing Design Guidelines for Healing Gardens in Modern Healthcare Centres, 2021 – ongoing
Candidate: Liheng Zhu
Supervisor: Stamatina Kousidi
Tutor: Andrea Oldani

XXXV Cycle

The matter of form. Reasons of form in structural component, 2019 – ongoing
Candidate: Gino Baldi
Supervisors: Carles Muro

Re-Architecture. Project of Reconstruction as a project of Evocation, 2019 – ongoing
Candidate: Pietro Brunazzi
Supervisor: Pier Federico Caliari (Politecnico di Torino)
Tutor: Francesca Lanz (Northumbria University)

Design the spaces of mediation. The peri-urban edge as a challenge for antifragile city growth, 2020 – ongoing
Candidate: Cecilia Cempini
Supervisors: Andrea Gritti, Antonio Di Campli (Politecnico di Torino)
Executive Ph.D. in partnership with Universidad Técnica Particular De Loja (Ecuador)

Rural Architecture at 0´ latitude. A critical investigation on Andean dwelling, 2020 – ongoing
Candidate: Valentina Dell’Orto
Supervisors: Andrea Gritti, Antonio Di Campli (Politecnico di Torino), Karina Monteros Cueva (UTPL)
Executive Ph.D. in partnership with Universidad Técnica Particular De Loja (Ecuador)

The Evaporative City: Guidelines on Bioclimatic Adaptation and Regeneration using Water, 2020 – ongoing
Candidate: Mariana Pereira Guimarães
Supervisors: Valentina Dessì, Matteo Clementi, Eugenio Morello
SOLOCLIM / ITN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action

The Latin American University Campus, a resilient urban model: Architectural Design Research on “Ciudad Universitaria” of the UNAL in Bogotá, 2020 – ongoing
Candidate: Pablo Gamboa Samper
Supervisor: Andrea Gritti
Executive Ph.D. in partnership with Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Sharing Landscape: beyond the urban-rural dialectic. The farm as a form of settlement resilience, 2019 – ongoing
Candidate: Isabella Spagnolo
Supervisors: Guya Bertelli, Marco Bovati
Tutor: Andrea Oldanifor

XXXIV Cycle 

A new urban stereotomy. Design strategies for the base of social housing districts, 2018 – ongoing
Candidate: Valerio Sorgini
Supervisor: Ilaria Valente



Wild Gardens. An Investigation in Contemporary Planting Design, 2017 – ongoing
Candidate: Silvia Mundula
Supervisors: Alessandro Rocca, Annalisa Metta (Università di Roma Tre)