The Architectural Urban Interior Design – AUID – Ph.D. Program promotes studies on architecture mostly on these aspects: design, theory, history, technology.
The methodological frame is the design-driven research.
We consider design the cultural environment where to produce theoretical and technical knowledge.

Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

Politecnico di Milano

Campus Leonardo
via Bonardi 3
20133, Milan, Italy




Sara Protasoni
Professor of Landscape Architecture
Research Topics
Post Industrial Landscape; Recover of Productive Architecture; Evolution of Contemporary Public Space;
Architectural Design in Informal Settlement.


Fabrizia Berlingieri
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Urban Architectures; Design for Transitions;
Infrastructure and Urban Form;
Contemporary Architectural Design Theories.

Guya Bertelli 
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Marco Biraghi
Professor of History and Theory of Architecture

Marco Borsotti
Associate Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design
Research Topics
Narrative spaces. Integrated museum systems for cultural heritage and innovative exhibition design methodologies; 
From inside to outside. Adaptive reuse of existing buildings for social inclusion;
Being sacred. Symbolic, formal, and spatial meanings in modern and contemporary sacred architecture.

Marco Bovati
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Luigi Cocchiarella
Professor of Architectural Drawing and Graphic Representation
Research Topics

Geometry and graphics in history between science, art, and architecture: treatises and manuals, masters and pioneers;
Analog and digital graphics in architectural research and education: visual processing and computation;
Information strategies in interdisciplinary architectural design workflows: digital artifacts as collaborative networks.

Emilia Corradi
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Pierre Alain Croset
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Architectural Criticism and Media; Architecture as a Modification, a paradigm of late Modernism; Chinese Contemporary Architecture; Aging and Housing; Structural Design and Tectonics.

Valentina Dessì
Associate Professor of Architectural Technology
The proposed topics fit transversally into some of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN action program.
In particular, goals 3, 4, 11, 13, 17 represent objectives to be achieved in the proposed themes, referring to:
Thermal comfort in open spaces; strategies and tools to improve the microclimate at the micro-urban scale (the focus is on H2O, vegetation, and urban materials). Adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change VS urban livability, Design guidelines for the urban realm in the Mediterranean area.
Open spaces in schools. 

Andrea Di Franco 
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Immacolata C. Forino
Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design
Research Topics
History and Theory of Interior Design.
Gendered Interiors.
Italian Historiography of Interior Design.

Roberto Gigliotti
Associate Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design
Research Topics
1. Museography. Contemporary practices of exhibiting architecture;
2. Public Space. Shared spaces of the contemporary city and their performativity.

Andrea Gritti
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Stamatina Kousidi
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Architecture and the Environment;
Architectural Design, Environmental Performance, and Modernity;
Theories of 20th-century
Architecture: Utopias and Continuities of the Modern.

Camillo Magni
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Contemporary Urban Housing; Design for Development in the Global South.

Laura Montedoro
Professor of Urban Design

Valerio Paolo Mosco
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design (IUAV)

Marco Navarra
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design (Università di Catania)
Research Topics
1. Terre fragili. Inland areas represent a facet of Fragile Lands in which fragility is not the consequence of a traumatic event but of a slow modification of socioeconomic balances and assets. 
2. Tomographies. Topographical sections as a tool for contemporary architectural design.
3. Anthropocene Spatialism. The research investigates the spatial configurations in which the effects and criticalities of the Anthropocene take shape. 
4. Rurban. New Urban Life in Chinese Rural Landscape.

Filippo Orsini
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Orsina Simona Pierini 
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Housing and Urban Design, History and Theory of Architectural Design; 
Italian and Milanese Modern Historiography of Architectural Design;
Spanish Modern Historiography of Architectural Design.

Matteo Poli
Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture

Gennaro Postiglione
Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design
Research Topics
According to different themes, co-installations of Co-Supervisors will take place. Themes are somehow specific, and Ph.D. Candidates need to find a way to tackle them by adding a subtitle. When focused on a specific work by a specific architect, the dissertation need also to investigate, to a certain extent, the whole architect’s production and concern.

1. New Typologies in Housing;
2. Architecture Ethnography as Design Methodology;

3. Windows design in the architecture of Umberto Riva;
4. The Flower Kiosk by Sigurd Lewerentz in Malmö;
5. Malmö Art Hall by Klas Anshelm;
6. Shoe shop by Paco Alonzo in Madrid.

Alessandro Rocca
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research topics
1. Architectural Media Culture. Architectural criticism and communication analyzed through exhibitions, journals, websites, magazines, conferences, and other publications;

2. Architectural education. Exploring the multiple tracks of architectural education to understand how the architects’ cultures evolve and match contemporary challenges.

Alessandro Rogora
Professor of Architectural Technology

Pierluigi Salvadeo
Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design

Luigi Spinelli
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Relations between architectural composition and history of architecture;
Italian Architecture of the XXth century;
New intervention on architectural heritage.

Ilaria Valente
Professor of Architectural and Urban Desig


Silvia Bodei
Senior Lecturer of Architectural and Urban Design

Gian Luca Brunetti
Associate Professor of Architectural Technology
Research Topics
Building envelope design and construction; Performance-driven design; Passive and low-energy environmental control strategies; Self-building methods.

Francesco Careri
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, University of RomaTre

Matteo Clementi
Associate Professor of Architectural Technology
Research Topics
Sustainable Environmental Design; Strategies for sustainable design on the building and urban scales; Free and open-source tools to develop local self-sufficiency scenarios and to manage climatic variables in the design of sustainable urban metabolism.  

Barbara Coppetti
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Professor of Architectural and Urban Design
(Politecnico di Torino)

Cassandra Cozza
Senior Lecturer of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics

1. architectural and urban design paradigms;
2. the recovery of the architectural and infrastructural heritage – deepening issues related to abandonment and the relationship between heritage and design;
3. the transformation of contemporary public space.

Antonio Da Silva Ferreira De Carvalho
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Luca M.F. Fabris
Associate Professor of Architectural Technology
Research Topic
Environmental Design

Maria Fianchini
Associate Professor of Architectural Technology

Carlo Gandolfi
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design (Università di Parma)

Josè Maria Garcia Fuentes
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Francesca Lanz
Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture
(Northumbria University, UK) 
Research Topics
Adaptive Reuse;
Difficult-built heritage; Contemporary museums.

Jacopo Leveratto
Senior Lecturer of Interior and Exhibit Design 
Research Topics
Critical Spatial Practices; Public Space Design; Post-human Architecture.

Annalisa Metta
Professor of Landscape Architecture
(University of Roma Tre)

Carles Muro Soler
Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design

Andrea Oldani
Senior Lecturer of Landscape Architecture
Research Topics
The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructures; Urban Regeneration and Resilient Public Spaces; Riverscapes Recovering.

Gerardo Semprebon
Lecturer of Architectural and Urban Design

Giulia Setti
Senior Lecturer of Architectural and Urban Design
Research Topics
Post Industrial Landscape; Recover of Productive Architecture; Evolution of Contemporary Public Space; Architectural Design in Informal Settlement.

Michele Ugolini
Associate Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design


  • Oya Atalay Frank (ZHAW, Wintherthur)
  • Tom Avermaete (ETH Zurich)
  • Matthias Graf von Ballestrem (HafenCity Universität Hamburg)
  • Luca Basso Peressut (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Jo van den Berghe (KU Leuven)
  • Margitta Buchert (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
  • Carmen Diez Medina (EINA Zaragoza)
  • Carmen Espegel (ETSAM Madrid)
  • Jörg Gleiter (TU Berlin)
  • Joao Gomes da Silva (Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio)
  • Christoph Grafe (Universität Wuppertal)
  • Marco Hemmerling (Technische Hochschule Köln)
  • Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
  • Claus Peder Pedersen (Aarhus School of Architecture)
  • Annalisa Viati Navone (ENS Architecture Versailles)
  • Tadeja Zupancic (University of Ljubljana)