The Architectural Urban Interior Design – AUID – Ph.D. Program promotes studies on architecture mostly on these aspects: design, theory, history, technology.
The methodological frame is the design-driven research.
We consider design the cultural environment where to produce theoretical and technical knowledge.

Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

Politecnico di Milano

Campus Leonardo
via Bonardi 3
20133, Milan, Italy



All the completed research are published here

Caring, symbolic, collective enough. Reading the dementia villages as a non-therapeutic utopia, 2019 – 2024
Graduate: Alberto Geuna
Supervisors: Pierre-Alain Croset, Sabrina Puddu (The Architectural Association, London)

Attitudes Beyond Style: Investigating the 21st Century. Post-Exuberance Architecture across Biennials/Triennials and Everyday Practice, 2020 – 2024
Graduate: Claudia Mainardi
Supervisors: Gaia Caramellino, Gennaro Postiglione, Christoph Grafe (University of Wuppertal)
TACK / ITN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action

Architecture on the Modern. Methods and design actions for the school heritage within seismic Italy, 2018 – 2024
Graduate: Greta Taronna
Supervisors: Ilaria Valente, Claudio Chesi (dABC), Emilia Corradi, Wessel De Jonge (TU Delft)

Cooling Cities: Innovative Water-Based Cooling Systems in the Era of Urban Heat, 2020 – 2024
Graduate: Adrian Moredia Valek
Supervisor: Valentina Dessì
SOLOCLIM / ITN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action

Underground Hubs. A Design Experience through Soil and Subsoil, 2019 – 2024
Graduate: Amath Luca Diatta
Supervisor: Pier Federico Caliari (Politecnico di Torino)

The city as a curatorial practice. Architectural affordances for hypertextual dwellers, 2018 – 2024
Graduate: Chiara Lionello
Supervisor: Pierluigi Salvadeo

Designing Preservation. Testing an architectural approach to UNESCO tools for heritage-context valorization, 2019 – 2024
Graduate: Sara Ghirardini
Supervisors: Pier Federico Caliari (Politecnico di Torino), Francesca Lanz (Northumbria University)

Re-reading form through the agency of the joint. The archaeological attitude of design-driven research
2018 – 2024
Double Doctorate Polimi – KU Leuven
Graduate: Enrico Miglietta
Supervisors: Gennaro Postiglione, Annalisa de Curtis, Johan Van Den Berghe (KU Leuven), Thierry Lagrange (KU Leuve

Quanzhou: to Design from the Perspective of Water Exploring the Potential for Bridging Urban Morphology and Urban Political Ecology in Urban Revitalization
2017 – 2023
Graduate: Wenying Song
Supervisor: Ilaria Valente

Minority in Metropolis. Microclimate Oriented Architectural Design
2019 – 2023

Graduate: Qian Zhang
Supervisor: Alessandro Rogora
Criticism of a Changing Landscape. France and Italy
2017 – 2023
Double Doctorate Université Rennes 2 – Polimi
Candidate: Alessandro Benetti
Supervisors: Hélène Jannière (Rennes 2), Marco Biraghi
A safe space. Ordinary Architecture for Extraordinary Conditions, 2019 – 2023
Graduate: Beatrice Balducci
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca

Interiors and “Synthèse des Arts”: A Critical Investigation Methodology. Architects of Milanese Culture, between French and Italian Artistic and Architectonical Influences (1948-1972), 2018 – 2023
Double Doctorate Polimi – ENSA Versailles
Graduate: Carola D’Ambros
Supervisors: Immacolata Concezione Forino, Annalisa Viati Navone (ENSA Versailles) 

The hidden potential of the “Dvor”. Semi-private spaces in Moscow, 2019 – 2023
Graduate: Bogdan Peric
Supervisors: Alessandro Rocca, Camillo Magni, Yuri Grigoryan (Markhi, Moscow)

Ark Architecture. Space Suspension Strategies, 2019 – 2023
Graduate: Alberto Petracchin
Supervisors: Sara Marini (IUAV), Alessandro Rocca

Monumental Ground. Infrastructures, Construction Sites, Landscape
2017 – 2022
Graduate: Chiara Pradel
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca

Architecture and Unesco Buffer Zones. The architectural project as a tool for archaeological sites within fragile territories
2018 – 2022
Graduate: Greta Allegretti
Supervisors: Pier Federico Caliari (Politecnico di Torino), Angela Maria Ferroni (Ministero della Cultura)

Adequate Urban Housing: Case Studies of Novel Settlements of Housing Cooperatives in Zurich
2017 – 22

Graduate: Maryam Khatibi
Supervisor: Alessandro Rogora

The Architecture of contemporary art museums in Shanghai: from the inside to the outside
2017 – 22

Graduate: Xu Xin
Supervisor: Pierluigi Salvadeo

The Accessible Frame. Research on Ancient Chinese Landscape Architecture
2016 – 2022

Graduate: Luyi Liu
Supervisor: Luigi Cocchiarella

The Lean City,  / design+experience+new media for Millennials and Generation Z
2016 – 2021

Graduate: Federica Marchetti
Supervisor: Pierluigi Salvadeo

Virtual experience in augmented exhibition. Virtual technology application in real museums and its impact on exhibition spaces

Graduate: Shilong Tan
Supervisor: Luigi Cocchiarella

The uncertain project. Experimenting devices for the modification of marginal contexts 
2016 – 2021

Graduate: Gianfranco Orsenigo
Supervisor: Andrea Di Franco

Rethinking the Architecture of the Renewable-energy Power Plants: Potential Stations to Transform the Social Flows 
2014 – 2021
Double Doctorate Polimi – TU Munich
Graduate: Parisa Vaziri

Supervisors: Guya Bertelli, Sören Schöbel (TU Munich)

The Shapes of Water: A Discourse around Heritage and Design for a Landscape Reactivation in the Fujian Province 
2016 – 2020

Graduate: Francesca Berni
Supervisors: Ilaria Valente, Marco Bovati, Ma Wenjun
Joint Supervision Polimi / Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Compositional Studies on Luigi Caccia Dominioni 
2016 – 2020

Graduate: Veronica Ferrari
Supervisor: Luigi Spinelli

Opening a lexicon of the new social spaces. Towards building a common conceptual framework for transdisciplinary collaborations 
2016 – 2020

Graduate: Roxana Madalina Ghibusi
Supervisor: Pierluigi Salvadeo

Publicness in Transition. Contemporary Public Open Spaces in Urban Design-Led Development by Private Sector 
2016 – 2020

Graduate: Jingwen Shan
Supervisors: Laura Montedoro, Marco Bovati

Dissonant Memories in the Post-Soviet Space: Comparative Analysis of Newly Established Museums of Political Histories in the Post-Soviet Countries (1991-2016) 
2015 – 2020
Graduate: Maria Mikaelyan
Supervisors: Luca Basso Peressut, Francesca Lanz

Rural Revitalisation in the Chinese New Era. Design Challenges in a Village of Fujian Province 
2015 – 2020

Double Doctorate Polimi / Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Graduate: Gerardo Semprebon

Supervisors: Ilaria Valente, Luca M. F. Fabris, Ma Wenjun, Huang Jianyun

Architecture and Creative  Transformation. Creative Urban Practices in London 
2014 – 2018

Graduate: Giuliana Bonifati
Supervisor: Carlos García Vázquez

Dwellings and Settlements in Pemba. A Typo-Morphological Field Study in a Changing Urban Environment 
2014 – 2018

Graduate: Corinna Del Bianco
Supervisors: Michele Ugolini, Michael Turner

Landscapes and Forms of ‘Modification’: the Contamination as a New Paradigm of the Contemporaneity 
2014 – 2018

Graduate: Martina Sogni
Supervisor: Guya Bertelli

The Architecture of Motorway Infrastructures Between Maintenance and Preservation. The A22 and the Territory of Mantova 
2014 – 2018

Graduate: Claudia Zanda
Supervisors: Andrea Gritti, Eric Alonzo

Devoid of Any Style. Problems and Perspectives of Architecture in the Age of Post-Consumption 
2014 – 2018

Graduate: Francesca Zanotto
Supervisor: Alessandro Rocca

Musei di narrazione, tra parole e progetti. Modelli comunicativi per gli spazi dell’esporre d’oggi 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Marcella Camponogara
Supervisors: Gian Luca Basso Peressut, Federico Bucci

Gli spazi dell’istruzione primaria nei progetti della cooperazione. Le scuole dei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo: il caso del Mozambico 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Luca Faverio
Supervisor: Michele Ugolini

Metropolitan frameworks of civic robustness. Mapping and designing for East African urbanism 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Alessandro Frigerio
Supervisor: Antonella Contin

La Terza Città. Il Diritto alla Città: strategie di rigenerazione urbana attraverso pratiche autonome e creative di produzione dello spazio 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Simona Galateo
Supervisor: Luca Molinari

Re-inhabit modern utopias. History and design for the renovation of post-war large public housing estates 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Michele Gerli
Supervisor: Pierfranco Galliani

Rovine della contemporaneità: concetti, strategie e metodologie progettuali per la trasformazione dei luoghi dell’abbandono 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Dario Giordanelli
Supervisors: Guya Bertelli, Carlos García Vázquez

Sprawlification: a new method to analyze periurban space 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Arian Heidari Afshari
Supervisors: Ilaria Valente, Richard Ingersoll

Advancing toward water-sensitive cities in Iran. Public spaces as sustainable water management measures in Lahijan, Caspian climate zone, Iran 
2013 – 2018

Graduate: Masoumehsadat Mirsafay Moqaddam
Supervisor: Alessandro Rogora

The evolution of museum exhibition in Arabia. A qualitative study of the exhibition design and identity in Saudi Arabia 
2013 – 2017

Graduate: Abeer Alsobahi
Supervisors: Gian Luca Basso Peressut, Oli Ali Hashem

From the Medina to the Metropol. New integrative approach for the sustainable revitalization of the historic center in the metropolitan cities 
2013 – 2017

Graduate: Hamza Benacer
Supervisor: Antonella Contin
The research focuses on the preservation of urban identifiability from the unplanned urbanization and global impacts that regional cities are increasingly exposed to. 

Intra-structures. Scenari di densificazione urbana per la mobilità in transizione. Il caso della tangenziale A20 della città di Rotterdam 
2013 – 2017

Graduate: Gianluca Ferriero
Supervisors: Luca Molinari, Dirk van den Heuvel

Metaphors of performative-oriented architectures. Exhibitions, installations, interventions 
2013 – 2017

Graduate: Ayman Kassem
Supervisor: Pierluigi Salvadeo

Undergrowth urbanism. Pratiche spontanee nella città contemporanea. Verso una metodologia di analisi e intervento nella città informale 
2013 – 2017

Graduate: Valentina Mion
Supervisors: Laura Montedoro, Jose María Ezquiaga

Museo è/e territorio. Il museo diffuso come dispositivo per l’infrastrutturazione culturale dei luoghi. Il caso della litoranea libica 
2013 – 2017

Graduate: Alessandro Raffa
Supervisor: Gian Luca Basso Peressut